Check how companies use software robot Automade to order courier deliveries to customers (shipments). Improve human job satisfaction, let the bots do the work!...
Learn how software robots can help you with ordering the collection of courier shipments from customers (pick-ups). Focusing employees on higher value added activities will result in improved business metrics....
Each time before ordering a transfer, the company is required to verify the status of contractors on the list of entities registered for VAT purposes. Chceck how AUTOMADE Robot reduce the time of a worker’s involvement in this proces!...
See how much you can gain by introducing easy automation. Automade Robots can read e-mails, collect and organize information. They can also copy data from web pages and paste them into indicated places. Simple solutions that save many hours of work per month....
Automade knows how to streamline labour-intensive data verifications from several systems. See how quickly you can make your business processes more efficient....