How do I edit a macro in the Central Repository?

How do I edit a macro in the Central Repository?

The Central Repository is a macro database accessible to all employees in the company or specific departments or project groups. Its purpose is to allow the free sharing of tested macros between members of the organisation.


As a rule, the macros made available from the Repository are ready-made and tested solutions. Users to whom these macros are made available may use them freely, but they cannot modify them in order not to compromise their functionality.


However, if the user wants to improve a particular macro or add additional steps, they can save its local copy on their computer. A macro saved in this way can be freely modified and re-submitted to the Repository after editing is complete. You can read more about editing in the following articles:

“How to modify created macro? – deleting and adding steps”

“Recording additional steps to macro”

How to save a macro locally from the Central Repository?

To save a macro locally from the Repository, select it in the list of macros and then in the advanced view options select the save as:


Then enter a new macro name in the list view and confirm your selection.  


The macro will be saved on disk and visible in the upper part of the macro list view. All macros originating from the Central Repository are marked on the list with the  icon.


A macro saved in this way can already be edited by the robot’s user and sent in an updated version back to the Central Repository. It must then be re-approved and assigned to a specific group or groups in the AUTOMADE HUB. Only after assigning it to groups, the macro will be available to selected robot users. The macro publishing process is described in detail in the article “How to publish macros in the Central Repository?”.