How can the AUTOMADE tool be used?

How can the AUTOMADE tool be used?


Robotisation of business processes is a new trend in increasing

process efficiency and optimising costs. It replaces part of the work performed

by employees with tasks performed by software robots.


The main outcomes of projects of this type are:


  • Speeding up the process,
  • Reducing the time spent by an employee on the process, and ultimately

reducing the number of employees involved in the process,

  • Increase employee satisfaction and efficiency by reducing the number of routine

and repetitive tasks they have to perform,

  • Employees can focus on higher value-added tasks.

Robotisation projects are a combination of:

  • Consultancy in process improvement,
  • Implementation of robots and work automation tools,


Software robots are most effective in tasks with high

automation potential:


  • Tasks that consume a large amount of time or involve a large number of employees;
  • Tasks with periodic high accumulation to be completed in a short period of time;
  • Repetitive tasks;
  • Tasks with a clearly defined execution procedure;
  • Tasks with low number of exceptions;
  • Tasks prone to human error or manipulation;
  • Confidential data that is better processed by a machine than by humans;
  • Tasks requiring aggregation of data from multiple sources

and switching between multiple IT systems;

  • An alternative to costly IT integration, where a robot moves data between

internal systems or to external partners;


Examples of robot applications:

  1. Transferring data between systems (Windows environment and web applications);
  2. Entering data from documents into systems;
  3. Handling e-mails;
  4. Collection of data from websites and external services;
  5. Aggregating data by combining multiple Excel files;
  6. Preparation of personalised offers and letters in bulk mail;
  7. Processing files and moving to designated folders;
  8. Create statements and reports and send to designated persons;
  9. An alternative to systems integration (internal and external partners);
  10. Any tasks where there was a lack of suitable functionality in other systems

were carried out manually.