AUTOMADE Encyclopedia

AUTOMADE Encyclopedia




XML Path Language,

Extensible Markup Language, a language for addressing parts of an

XML document. The AUTOMADE robot uses the Xpath value to indicate the page element

where the robot will perform the step specified by the user.



A set of commands that implements a computer algorithm designed to be executed

by a specific application (editor, spreadsheet, graphics program) usually to

automate certain actions or make changes to documents

without user interaction.



One of the components of the robot debugging tool. The picker allows you to change the value

of the UIautomation/xpath without having to edit the selectors manually.



A programming construct that has three basic attributes: a symbolic

name, storage location and value; it allows to refer by

name to a value or storage location.



In the case of a robot, this is the value that defines the element on which the robot performs

action. The selector may be specified by Xpath, UIpath or screen fragment

(screen scraping).



A set of records (rows, columns) present in a table.



Allows a sequence of steps/actions to be cyclically executed a specified number of times, until

certain conditions are met, for each element of the collection, or




The Hub is a kind of “Command Centre” for the robot, where the user can

monitor current robots, add new ones, create tasks and manage

a central repository of macros.



CRON expression

Command language for the cyclic scheduling of job/macro executions on specific

days at a specified time.


Window handle

Information concerning which window should be brought to the foreground. The opening of a window

must result from previous operations (i.e., for example, calling an operation on this



Virtual character code

Value representing individual keys, list of characters at this address.