Modifying a created macro – deleting and editing steps

Modifying a created macro – deleting and editing steps


During macro playback, it may turn out that some step in the process was skipped, recorded unnecessarily or recorded incorrectly. In some cases the tool itself will inform us of the error, and in others it will simply run and perform the recorded steps correctly, but the result of the robot will be unsatisfactory due to the absence of a key step.



What are the most common reasons for modifying a macro?:


  • missing a step necessary for the correct execution of an operation
  • unnecessary steps that slow down/prevent the macro from working
  • incorrect sequence of steps
  • mistakes made during recording, e.g. too many mouse clicks
  • change of structure or data in files, from which the robot takes information
  • change of interface on the page used by the macro


Macros can be modified in various ways, but the most common operations on already recorded steps include deleting a step, editing a step, recording additional steps and manually adding steps.


Delete step


If your macro contains a step you want to get rid of:


  • right-click on it and select Delete, or
  • mark the step with the left mouse button and press DELETE


You can also select as many steps as you like by holding down the CTRL key and left-clicking to select the steps to delete, or by holding down the SHIFT key and pressing the first and last steps.


To confirm deleting a step, press Yes.


Editing a step


You can edit each step manually. Left click on a step and a panel with step editing options will be displayed on the right side of the robot. The editing capabilities vary depending on what type of action is involved.


In the case below, the action is to copy a cell in Excel. Among other things, you can manually set which row or column should be copied.





You already know how to delete and add step, so it is time to record steps. Time for the next stage, that is:


How to append steps?

How to record additional steps manually?