How to create a macro manually?

How to create a macro manually?

Adding steps and blocks manually


A macro can be created in two ways: by recording mouse and keyboard movements, or by manually creating steps. The latter option is available in the STUDIO and SERVER versions of the robot.


If you want to create a macro manually, click Create new macro (1)


Then select the Add step (2) button. On the left side of the robot you will see a section with an action finder (3), control blocks (5), and when you expand the action step button all the possible actions of the AUTOMADE robot will appear (4).



To add individual actions or blocks to a new macro, drag them to the central part of the robot (6), where the steps and blocks appear during automatic macro recording. In the right part of the window you can also manually change the parameters of steps and blocks(7).


To start the macro press Run macro (8).




One way of manually grouping steps into blocks is to select all steps you wish to group and right-click on one of them. From the context menu (9) select Group step (10) and then select the block type you are interested in (11).



Debugging – manual step repair


Sometimes it can happen that a step is badly recorded and the macro locks on a particular step or records an unwanted operation. To quickly track down the fault and fix it, use the debug function.


The most common reasons why errors occur are:


  • unnecessary mouse or keyboard clicks
  • wrong screen selection
  • incorrectly specified Xpath


  • problem with selector search





To enter debug mode, select the erroneous step (1) and check the pause step option (2). When starting the macro, the robot will stop before this step and enter debug mode.


If you want to test the macro without a step, select Skip this step (3). The macro will not include it in the playback, but it will remain available for editing.



A thought: To skip more than one step at a time, select all the steps you do not want to exclude from the action and press CTRL+D. The robot will not perform these steps and will move on to the next active action.


Important: When skipping steps, the most important thing is not to disturb the logical sense of the macro, such as skipping the opening of a web page, which is essential to the whole process. In addition, before each recording, remember good practices that will reduce the number of errors in the robot.