Our R&D projects

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Conducting R&D work for an intelligent OfficeAgent solution

Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. is carrying out a project co-financed from European funds entitled “Conducting R&D works for an intelligent OfficeAgent solution”. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 under Action 1.2 Research and development activity of enterprises.

The project aims at transfering knowledge from the scientific unit to the entrepreneur, as well as to increase the innovativeness of the company by developing and creating a prototype of an intelligent office assistant – OfficeAgent system. As part of the project, part of the research work will be carried out by the project partner – a scientific unit of the A category – Instytut Badań Systemowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk. As a result of industrial research and experimental development, a prototype of an intelligent agent system for internal use in enterprises will be created, with the assumption that the system will acquire new, application-specific competencies by learning from examples, without programming.

As a result of the project, a prototype of the system will be created, based on which Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. will introduce 1 new product to its offer – OfficeAgent system – in the implementation phase. The system will be used in business process outsourcing centres (BPO), shared services centres (SSC), and administration (human resources, accounting, finance departments).

Total project value: PLN 6 374 340,00

EU co-financing of the project: PLN 4 996 780,00

logo marki Fundsze Europejskie, flaga Polski, logo marki Mazowsze, flaga Unii Europejskiej na szarym tle
mężczyzna w garnutirze prowadzący wystąpienie

Research and development to create an AED – Automatic Data Explorer

Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. is carrying out a project co-financed from European Funds entitled “Research and development works to create an Automatic Data Explorer system (AED)”. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 under Action 1.2 Research and development activity of enterprises.

The aim of the project is to carry out industrial research and experimental development work to develop a prototype of a system implementing the concept of meta-learning to automate the process of creating machine learning models. The system will enable the use of machine learning methods by a wide range of business users – it will reduce the need for expert knowledge in order to create their ML models.

The project covers the industrial research phase: research on algorithms for automatic Data Refinement and Feature Engineering; research on a meta-learning algorithm; and the development phase: research on a prototype of the platform implementation environment architecture. As a result of the project, a prototype of the system will be created, on the basis of which Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o., during the implementation phase, will introduce 1 new product to its offer – a system enabling analysis of historical data and automatic selection of ML models appropriate for a given process in the company.

Total project value: PLN 3 427 530,00

EU co-financing of the project: PLN 2 315 456,50

logo marki Fundsze Europejskie, flaga Polski, logo marki Mazowsze, flaga Unii Europejskiej na szarym tle
a woman working on a project and writing down ideas

Research and development of the Automatyzator system

Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. is carrying out a project co-financed from the European Funds entitled “Carrying out research and development works on the Automatyzator system”. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 under Action 1.2 Research and development activity of enterprises.

The aim of the project is to carry out industrial research and experimental development work to develop a prototype of the Automatyzator – an automatic classification, distribution and document processing system, based on the Intelligent Agent concept. The system will use advanced methods of data processing (mainly image and text) and machine learning.

It is designed to create a supervised self-learning system so that the system automatically acquires and improves the knowledge about the processed documents. The tasks planned to be carried out within the framework of industrial research are aimed at gaining new knowledge and skills in order to develop a new product – the Automatyzator system. The research undertaken will be aimed at developing a new product in the form of a tool for virtualization and monitoring of the executive environment enabling automation of implementation of subsequent data processing nodes with the use of virtualized physical resources and tools for monitoring and diagnosis of the production environment. Etiquette culture plays an important role in communication.

Total project value: PLN 4 787 089,09

EU co-financing of the project: PLN 3 302 971,78

logo marki Fundsze Europejskie, flaga Polski, logo marki Mazowsze, flaga Unii Europejskiej na szarym tle
a hand holding a pen above the notebook with project ideas

Conducting R&D works for an intelligent AutoCheckDoc solution

Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. is carrying out a project co-financed from European funds entitled “Conducting R&D works for an intelligent AutoCheckDoc solution”. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the funds of the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 under Action 1.2 Research and development activity of enterprises.

The aim of the project is to carry out industrial research and experimental development works, which will result in the creation of a prototype of an intelligent tool – a system which is to have functions enabling a significant reduction of human time related to searching and cross-checking of interconnected documents, within the framework of business transactions. The system developed based on existing electronic document collections in a given field (e.g. register of invoices and contracts) will be able to process these collections and propose a set of business rules (ontology) that have historically been present in the learning collection.

As a result of the project, a prototype of the system will be created, based on which Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. will introduce 1 new product to its offer – AutoCheckDoc system – in the implementation phase. The system will be used in medium-sized and large enterprises, operating and shared services centres and public administration (human resources, accounting, finance departments).

Total project value: PLN 3 259 260,00

EU co-financing of the project: PLN 2 274 280,00

logo marki Fundsze Europejskie, flaga Polski, logo marki Mazowsze, flaga Unii Europejskiej na szarym tle
blond woman sits at the desk wearing glasses and smiles at the camera

Award in the competition “100 best projects to increase the level of digitization in the company”

Project entitled “Increasing the level of digitization in the company Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. by implementing process automation in the accounting and human resources department of the company Extreme Robotics Sp. z o.o. received an award as part of the 100 best projects to increase the level of digitization in the company The competition was organized under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020, priority axis 2 Support for the environment and the potential of enterprises to conduct R & D & I activity, Measure 2.4 Cooperation under the national innovation system, Sub-measure 2.4.1 Center for analyzes and pilots of new instruments inno_LAB.

The implementation of the project will allow the popularization of innovative solutions in the economy and society in order to strengthen the position on the market and enter a new level of development based on digital technologies and the dissemination of solutions that can improve the operations of the enterprise in order to face new challenges in the changing market conditions, including technological and social trends, as well as unforeseen situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

The amount of the award: PLN 20,000.00

EU flag, flag of Republic of Poland, European Fund logo next to each other on a white background